August 6, 2024 - Voices "Spiritual Power" Event Recording
Letter Celebrating 2024 Spiritual Power Event
Dear peacebuilders,
Together with our 30 co-sponsors, we were able to mark this year’s Nuclear Prayer Day with a broader community of people dedicated to working for a better future. We appreciate everyone who participated through your prayers, organizing events, and joining our events—all of which contributed to making the Nuclear Prayer Day a powerful experience for all of us.
If you missed our August 6 Zoom program “Spiritual Power: Hope in Action for Nuclear Weapons Abolition”, or wanted to revisit it, the recording of the event is now available. (Above)
As we also promised, here is the Resources Document we mentioned during the event, highlighting some examples of actions you can take to lift your voice for a world free of nuclear weapons. We welcome your feedback, so please feel free to reach out to us at contact@voices-uri.org.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to creating a world free of nuclear weapons, and we look forward to working with you in the future!
In solidarity,
Michael Ramos,
On behalf of the Nuclear Prayer Day planning team
Additional Resources
Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons: https://www.voices-uri.org/
Back from the Brink: https://preventnuclearwar.org/
Email Your Member of Congress: preventnuclearwar.org/h-res-77-resources/
Pass Local Resolutions: preventnuclearwar.org/advocacy-tools/
International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation: https://www.multiculturalcooperation.net/
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: https://www.icanw.org/
ICAN Cities Appeal: https://cities.icanw.org/
Schools of Mass Destruction: https://universities.icanw.org/
Parliamentary Pledge: https://pledge.icanw.org/
Divestment: https://divest.icanw.org/
Global Week of Action on Nuclear Spending (September 16-22, 2024): https://www.icanw.org/week_of_action
Marshallese Educational Initiative: https://www.mei.ngo/
Nevada Desert Experience: https://nevadadesertexperience.org/
Global Security Institute: https://gsinstitute.org/
Other Nuclear Prayer Day Events endorsed by Voices
Protecting our World for Future Generations: An Interfaith Call to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (July 17): https://icmglt.org/protecting-our-world-for-future-generations-an-interfaith-call-to-abolish-nuclear-weapons/
LIVE FROM HIROSHIMA in observance of the 79th anniversary (August 5/6): https://fb.watch/u4Gpcqlrh4/
Remembering Nagasaki: Prayers for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons (August 9): https://fb.watch/u4GtoxF6R_/
Bishop William E. Swing invites you to join Voices on August 6th for
Nuclear Prayer Day

Nuclear Prayer Day resources
We have a Nuclear Prayer of our design available in many languages (PDF), (B&W) but invite you to create a prayer of your own as well.
Voice's Member Michael Ramos wrote a prayer for the 2nd Annual Nuclear Prayer Day (2023). We also have a collection of various Nuclear Prayers.
If you have a prayer of your own that you'd like to share, please email it to us at contact@voices-uri.org. We hope you will find this inspiring and will share this annual event with others.
A Press Kit is offered to help amplify our voices.
"Spiritual Power" Zoom event invitation in PDF to share.

Nuclear Prayer Day event
FROM ST. BARTHOLOMEW & announcement of the 4th annual youth award winner
In tribute to those impacted by the Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic bombings (August 6 & 8, 1945), our 2nd Annual Nuclear Prayer Day was held at St. Bartholomew's Church in New York. This video captures the live event. We had a variety of moving prayers and speakers, many of whom are Voice's members. Rev. William E. Swing announced the winner of the 4th Annual Voices Gorbechev/Schultz Legacy Youth Award, Yogev Von Kundra, and explained the award's legacy.