Fireside Chats...
Welcome to Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons’ special #FiresideChatFridays Series.
Members of our team dive deep with luminaries, leaders and Voices’ Members to illuminate their personal commitments, stories, and messages for people of all ages as we embark on a shared journey for a peaceful, more prosperous world. Guests range from Voices Founding Members, retired Ambassadors, renowned activists, poets, youth leaders and Nobel Peace Prize nominees.
Please join us by the fireside with your favorite beverage as we embark on a shared journey with you, our listeners, delving deep into moral, ethical and spiritual questions around nuclear proliferation.
Join us on Instagram @nuclearprayervoices for updates and more #FiresideChatFridays Episodes.
Series 1: The Opening - An Exemplary Journey
With Bishop William Swing
Bishop William Swing, Founding Trustee of United Religions Initiative (URI) Global and Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons, shares his exemplary journey, work and vision.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 2: The Power of People
With Monica Willard
Monica Willard of URI and Voices shares her inspiration, journey and personal reflections on the nuclear weapons issue and coming into force of the Ban Treaty. She mentions that books like Hiroshima and Fallout have inspired her, and that everyone has a part to play.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 3: The Work Ahead
With Jonathan Granoff
Jonathan discusses his profound commitment to the cause of nuclear abolition and his perspective as President of the Global Security Institute, Representative to the United Nations of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and Nobel Peace Nominee himself. He recommends the Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell Manifesto as an important groundwork to understanding nuclear disarmament and shares his views on the role of the youth and our leaders in making everyone safe from nuclear catastrophe.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 4: We Are In This Together
With Kehkashan Basu
@kehkashan5basu takes us behind the scenes on her work as Founder-President of the Green Hope Foundation, Forbes 30 Under 30, and UN Champion for Human Rights. She talks about her journey, inspiration, and love for her work. She mentions taking personal responsibility for our shared future and developing empathy in our approach, and the integral role of youth in building a thriving and equitable world, together.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 5: The World Must Come Together
With Vincent Leong
@vincent.lcw joins us from South East Asia to talk about nuclear and non-nuclear states collaborating for a world free of nuclear weapons. He speaks about his youth leadership work and planting the seeds for a world beyond nuclear threats, and shares his experience building awareness and promoting education to ‘attack the problem at its root’.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 6: Yesterday and Today: The Long Fight for Nuclear Abolition
With Linda Modica Cataldo
Linda (Voices Member, Co-Chair of the Appalachian Peace Education Center, and a long time advocate of nuclear disarmament) discusses her involvement in the Nuclear Freeze Movement and grassroots advocacy work against nuclear weapons. She shares her experience of growing up during the Cold War with nuclear fallout shelters and stories of activists fueling this movement. She spotlights the importance of community and our role in “keeping at it”, sharing teachings from Thomas Merton on drawing value from the work itself, as she talks about fighting the long fight.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 7: Nuclear Abolition Around the World
With Carolyn Mackenzie
@Carolyn.Kenzie.7 talks about her work and career in interfaith leadership and as a health expert in radiation and nuclear safety. Working in over 60 countries with international organisations like the IAEA and United Nations, Caolyn shares her wealth of experience, stories working across cultures and the importance of education to inform and empower others. Leading the Voices Education Team, she also shares a sneak peek to upcoming initiatives and resources for the community. Tune in to hear more!
Click HERE to watch.
Series 8: Holding the Sanctity of Life
With Anna Ikeda
@anna.ikeda of Sokka Gakkai International discusses her journey and perspective on the nuclear issue. She shares a Buddhist perspective as she expounds on our role as individuals, communities, and young people to participate in these pressing issues and draw on communities of support like SGI, Voices or URI Global. Anna leads us through her personal journey as a mother and advocate holding the sanctity of life at the center of her practice and purpose. She quotes Daisaku Ikeda in mentioning how the real challenge is not the weapons, but the thinking that justifies their existence.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 9: Our Youth is Saving the World
With Issac S. Thomas
Going behind the scenes with @issac_s_thomas, youngest Global Council Trustee of URI Global, URI Multiregion and youth leader in Kerala, India. He shares his leadership journey with the United Religions Initiative and Voices, speaking and advocating on international fora for a safer world for all of us. He walks us through his changemaking work, vision and goals and how we all have an important part to play in building a safer and more secure world together, a world free of nuclear weapons.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 10: Our Involvement
With Abraham Karickam
Voices Youth Member Issac S. Thomas, hosts this behind the scenes interview with @abrahamkarickam, Secretary General of URI Asia Region, URI Global, and Regional Coordinator for South India Sri Lanka Region. Abraham shares his leadership, commitment and experience with the United Religions Initiative and Voices, speaking and advocating on international platforms for the abolishment of nuclear weapons. He emphasizes the relevant work that the Voices community is doing all around the world and how the creation of this interfaith intergenerational arena has inspired many among the grassroots to act against the existential threat of Nuclear Weapons.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 11: Seeing Our Common Humanity
With Christopher Cruz
Join in on our deep dive with @ccruzcolorado as he talks about his work and initiative with @nukefreeschools and the CTBTO Youth Group. He takes us behind the scenes as a youth leader campaigning for a peaceful, more secure world with young voices from around the globe. He discusses opportunities for scientific and youth collaborations, and cooperative solutions presented by the existential crises of our time: nuclear disaster and climate change. There is a need for everyone who is concerned to be at the table, and in the conversation! Tune in for some inspiration.
Click HERE to watch.
Series 12: Our Responsibility in a time of Global Crisis
With Audrey Kitagawa
Audrey talks about personal responsibility at this time of global crisis and staying true to our values as we navigate unprecedented global change and upheaval. Audrey is the President and Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation and eminent writer, speaker and interfaith leader. She has worked closely with UN bodies and around the world on social issues and peace-building and advocates for greater participation from all of us in shaping our shared future. She advises youth of special initiatives and encourages us all to do our part for global responsibility and service.
Click HERE to watch.