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Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

Composed of dynamic voices from across the political, professional, spiritual, and geographical

spectra, united in a single purpose - to eliminate nuclear weapons once and for all.

Youth activists for a world free of nuclear weapons


BISHOP SWING'S new book is published and available! "GOD and NUCLEAR WEAPONS, Meditations a the End of the Atomic Age" 

Click HERE to read the press release.  The book can be ordered on this link for Amazon.

VOICES NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to read our most recent newsletter and/or HERE to access our newsletter archives.

NUCLEAR PRAYER DAY:  Annually on August 6th. The details about the 2024 Nuclear Prayer Day are available on this page

A PRAYER FOR NUCLEAR PRAYER DAY: Click HERE to read a nuclear prayer written for The 2nd Annual Nuclear Prayer Day by Voices member Michael Ramos. You can read more Nuclear Prayers HERE and send us your own by emailing

VOICES STATEMENT ON DOOMSDAY CLOCK AND THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE TPNW:  Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons marked the coinciding events of the Third Anniversary of entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and the announcement of the Doomsday Clock remaining at 90 seconds before midnight in January 2024 by issuing a statement.

GORBACHEV: THE LEADER WE NEEDED IN MY TIME: Click HERE to read a moving article by Thomas Graham Jr. that honors the life and leadership of the late Mikhail Gorbachev; an advocate for a world free of nuclear weapons and a founding member of the Voices Gorbachev/Schultz Youth Award. Visit our Youth Award page for more info.

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